Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mr. Mann

Well his real name is Mojo, but since we got him he has been called so many things, Mr. Mann, Bubby, Momo he is just so dang cute to have 1 name.

The story of how we got Mojo is pretty awesome. On October 10th Haley turned 7 and for her birthday she got Nintendo Dog for DS the Chihuahua version. That night she adopted a little girl tri color Chihuahua. I announced to the family if anyone ever wanted to surprise me with an awesome gift, it would be a little tri color Chihuahua. So the next day we went grocery shopping at Walmart and as we were leaving like every weekend, someone was sitting in front of Staples with puppies to sale or give away. They looked small so I asked dh to stop imagine my surprise when I saw a tri color Chihuahua. I was in love we bought him and brought him straight home.
He was 7 weeks old and such a little lover, he loved to be snuggled and held. I started taking him to work with me everyday and he would sleep on my desk between my arms as I typed. He has been so good until about 3 months something changed. He started to change and disliked everyone but our family and a select few in my office. He now barks at all strangers and growls, has to be muzzled to go to the vet. He also has allergies and wow has that been a ride, poor little guy scratches himself all up, but I am happy to announce we see it improving so maybe he is out growing it or the special food is helping. But he is still my Little Man and I wouldn't change him for the world.


TKW said...

Awwww, a lotta Mojo love going on!

Amytnc said...

How can you not when he is so stinking cute!