Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brown Bean Sandwiches

Yep you read that right, So last week TKW blogged about her moms Orange Potato Salad and wanted us to come out of the closet with our weird foods. And try as I might all I could think of was dh's weird Pickle and Peanut butter sandwiches, and the fact that everyone in our house but me puts peanut butter on their pancakes and waffles. But yesterday talking about growing up poor I remembered the infamous Brown Bean Sandwiches.

Mom would put 6 pieces of bread on a cookie sheet, open a can or pork and beans and spread some on each slice, place 1 kraft single on top of the beans and 1 piece of bacon on the cheese. Then she would broil it till the cheese was melted. I loved them as a kid. But in the 20 years my dh and I have been together I have not been able to bring myself to make these.

Youngest dd would for sure say no and ask for waffles, oldest dd will try anything once but I don't think she would love them, dh would love them just for the bacon factor. So maybe one day I will break down and make them. But thought I would share our weird food growing up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Overweight America?

Last week we were a bit early for the movie so we sat in our car and people watched. It was amazing how many overweight people there are, I mean they are 4 to 1 with skinny people. And I don't mean people like me and dh who both are over weight and could easily loose 50 pounds each to be in the healthy range. I am talking people who have at least 100 pounds or more to loose.

So who's to blame? McDonald's? Society? Dh and I talked about it and you know I grew up poor, a single mom who bought only food for meals we didn't get snacks and junk food. I remember being hungry and being told not till dinner. And dinners weren't a huge thing since we were so poor. So now that I am an adult and on my own it's like I went crazy eating everything I can. I love food, I crave food thats scary but true. And I see those same traits in my oldest dd. She loves certain foods as well. We eat as a family every night and not quick fix meals at least 4 or 5 nights a week. I mean meat, potato and bread meals.

So it really isn't any wonder we are overweight and I have diabetes, I am currently trying hard to get it under control and loose some weight. But wow my desire to have what food I am craving is such a strong urge to resist.

So anyone else have thoughts on why America is getting so fat?

Friday, June 26, 2009

PG-13 and Transfromers 2

Well Transformer 1 has been a family favorite of ours, we own the DVD my youngest child watches it weekly, so it was no surprise we planned to see it Wednesday night when it premiered at the theater. I saw a PG-13 rating and looked at why, assumed the last one was kid friendly besides a few cuss words and some fighting. Boy was I wrong.

I am not sure how this PG-13 rating works or what the producer of this movie was thinking but wow. My 7 year old should not have seen this or at least not the first hour for sure. I mean really do we need to see dogs humping dogs? This isn't American Pie, right? Do we need to see Makyla's butt hanging out of her shorts while laying on a motorcycle like a porn pic? I am sure the boys like it, but really wasn't Transformers a cartoon originally? And the Decepticon girl trying to seduce Sam, really? The language was horrible too, I mean come on we all slip the occasional shit, damn, hell or even a fuck once in awhile, but really? The constant use and the use of Pussy just didn't seem right. Once again a producer took something that could have been awesome and made me wish I hadn't wasted my money.

The ending leads you to believe there will be a part 3 so should we be concerned the next on will be R rated or maybe even X?

Ok just my take but parents of young kids beware.

Who I am!

I am Amy I was born and raised in NC, I truly believe there isn't another place as beautiful in all the world. Of course I haven't been very many places, lol but the ones I have seen don't hold a candle to our Mountains.

I have been married to Mark for 17 years we got married very young and have beat the odds and the statistics by staying together. It hasn't always been a bed of roses but we have stood firm in the belief marriage means work and we don't give up, ever. We also firmly beleive god intended us to be together and without him we wouldn't be were we are today.

We have 2 beautiful girls Amanda who is 15 and Haley who is 7 they are as different as night and day which has made parenting a definite learning experience.

We have a huge animal family as well, an obese cat Whiskers, a mastiff mutt named Samson, a terrier mutt named Tilley and my pride and joy Chihuahua Mojo. They add to the chaos we call daily life, sometimes making it hectic other times making it down right hilarious.

I work Full time and in the fall am starting my Associate in accounting so I will be a Part Time college student as well. I have a few hobbies I love to read, love to play World of Warcraft and Quilt. Although I don't find time as much as I would like to do these things.

I hope my blog will be entertaining, maybe informative and hopefully a joy to read.