Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gray Hair Really?

So lets talk about gray hair. I am 37 and in the past year I have found 2 of those wirey ass suckers. This morning I had Amanda pull one she laughed. Now I am not a vain person I accept I am getting older hell I already take a pharmacy full of meds because I am diabetic, but come one gray hair?

Maybe 2 hairs in 1 year isn't a lot hopefully I can put off covering it for a long time, like after both kids are out of college because truthfully I won't be able to afford it till then.

Ok just wanted to whine 2 hairs maybe doesn't seem like a lot but it is scary to me. :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

~She's 17 Wow~

Yes my oldest baby turned 17 in March no slumber party this year. This year she wanted to go out to dinner with her boyfriend, so we all went to Olive Garden. It was nice, but sad too she is getting older, growing up dating a senior.

And now moving on to Prom in May, we bought the dress last week, it was such a difficult thing. She is a beautiful girl and to see her look at herself in dress after dress discarding for one reason or the other, was heart breaking. Her choice was very nice and once she gets her tan back will be amazing.

For prom they are going to dinner, then to prom, then if it is warm enough swimming at the boy friends house (parents are home) my hubby will pick her up about 1AM. Loving watching her grow but it is also bitter sweet.