Thursday, February 25, 2010

All About Steve

Ok so watched this last night and it is really funny! If you are looking for something you don't have to put much thought into it is great. Sandra Bullock is amazing as this quirky weird chick who doesn't realize she is stalking this poor guy.

My favorite line from the movie, "If you have to stalk someone you love they probably weren't yours to begin with."

This isn't stupid funny like Dumb or dumber but it is LOL funny.

There is minimal cussing one weird sort of sex scene, in the first 20 minutes after that scene I would have been fine with youngest dd watching it. Oldest dd and dh all liked it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Ok so this movie is winning tons of awards up against Avatar, which I will review in a few days. We watched it last night and not really sure why it is winning so many awards? It was a good movie, definitely worth seeing.

It is a war movie and very intense and hard to watch at some points, it focuses on a bomb squad. I learned some things I never knew people did with bombs. I can not imagine how scary it is for those guys in Iraq.

Cussing was a bit much, but they are military it is expected, violence is a bit much but again it is a war movie. No sex scenes but they do talk some vulgar things but nothing too terrible. My almost 16 year old watched it and I didn't see anything to alarm me. My 8 year old did not watch it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Terminator Salvation

Ok so I would love to tell you how this is an awesome movie with hot men like Christian Bale and Sam Worthington. But I can't because this is the second damn time I have feel asleep while watching this movie.

The family loved it, but seriously I make it about 30 minutes in and I am out like a light. Of course I woke up at 9PM and then couldn't sleep until about 2AM, make for a not so happy momma today. And I am going in for some blood work today so I have to fast from 9AM till 3:30 so I am starving to boot. Will be glad when this day is over.

And the Beef Stroganoff from last night not really digging it so I won't bother posting the recipe.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Houdini wine opener

So we got this a few years ago for Christmas either from my parents or the In laws. My husband and I are not big drinkers but occasionally I like wine and my husband is always around to open said wine. He can open it with any type of opener. Me on the other hand not so much.

So this morning as I was preparing food for the crock pot, working mom you know I have to plan food ahead of time. I got out the wine since I bought a cheap wine I assumed there would be no cork. Um I was wrong even $4.00 wine can have a cork. So the husband is gone to work what ever will I do?

Oh yeah I have a Houdini so I pull this bad boy out and stare at it for a few, then I start trying to use it and within several minutes I have the cork out. Go me!!!! Of course I have no clue how to get the cork off the Houdini I just left it in the sink for the husband to take care of when he gets home.

Hoping the recipe I am making turns out good it took the entire bottle of red wine. If it was good I will post the recipe tomorrow. If not good boy did I ever waste some meat!

Monday, February 15, 2010


This is baby Autumn, my niece. She was born 12/1/09 at 3 pounds 13 ounces. She is currently a little over 7 pounds and just as cute as she can be.

We babysit Autumn on Saturday for about 3 hours and it was so nice to get that baby fix. They just smell so awesome and even fussing you just want to make it all better for them. I even held her while eating my dinner which is something I haven't done in a long time.

I look forward to getting to babysit her again soon, my youngest wants her to be able to get up and do something. LOL


We watched a couple of movies this weekend. I won't even bother rating Gamer even with hotty Gerard Butler in it is sucked.

But Invictus on the other hand was a great movie. I love Clint Eastwood films along with Mel Gibson ones they have talent at acting and producing. Invictus stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman playing Nelson Mandela.

I think the one things I got from the movie was the desire to know more about Mandela. If the movie is really following actual events he seemed like a really neat man. His desire to have Africa be peaceful and all his people to get along and using Rugby as a way to bring a nation together.

There is very minimal cussing, no sex and the only violence is on the Rugby field. My 8 year old watched it and liked it, I don't see it being one she wants to watch over and over, but she made it through. My husband, oldest dd and I all thought it was a very good movie.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Survivor Season 20

So we interrupt these movie reviews to talk about my one obsession. Survivor, for years we didn't get CBS so I had to listen to people talk about Survivor and could never watch it. But then wonderful Netflix had many seasons on DVD. So we had several months were all we watched were seasons of Survivor. I stayed glued to my seat and could watch episode after episode.

Then we got HDTV and low and behold we had CBS I was so excited I actually did dippity doos around the living room. So since that day I don't miss Survivor. Last night was episode 1 of season 20 Heroes versus Villains and I thought 8PM would never get here. Once it did my family of 4 were glued to the set, with the understanding you talk you leave.

The shows starts and the first challenge was awesome and I literally jumped from my seat yelling at people on the tv screen, scaring poor Mojo to death. I guess I resembled a man watching football, both children stared at me as if I grew a second head.

Anyway I won't give details because I have Aussie fiends and I don't want to spoil it for them., but if you love Survivor this is going to be a season you do not want to miss. I was a little disappointed that Richard Hatch isn't there I would have loved to see how he handled Russell. But hopefully Boston Rob, Pavarti and Coach can keep Russell on his toes. I of course want a hero to win preferably JT.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Yes we are some movie watching fools lately.

2012 was a 3 hour movie and that always scares me because I tend to sleep through some 2 hour movies, but this one did keep me awake the whole time and it was worth watching. It is very unrealistic.

The part that scares me that could happen is the government knowing the end of the world was coming but to eliminate world panic they just don't tell anyone. Then they sale places on the Ships to survive to the highest bidder, of course that pisses me off because my family would have died.

So I would say if you are looking for something to watch one weekend this will be good, my youngest 8 didn't watch it, although there was no sex, no physical violence and very minimal cussing we just felt the world sliding into the ocean and millions of people dying wasn't something she could handle.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Sisters Keeper

So of course anyone who sees the previews knows it is a sad film and it is, I didn't cry alot but some. I felt so bad for everyone in this film, the mom, the sick daughter, the donor daughter, the whole dang family.

I think it is films like this that makes me notice how lucky I am to have 2 beautiful healthy children. We take it for granted, I have never had to deal with any terrible sicknesses in my children and quite frankly I am not sure I could. They mean so much to me I just don't know that I could ever accept they were dying until it was over. I would want beyond everything to move heaven and earth to make them well.

But I also think maybe that is harder on the person dying to keep giving hope when there isn't any, maybe just helping them accept the end and make peace with it would be best. Not sure I could do it.

The actors all did great jobs in this and I really would love to read the book now because I am sure the movie was missing many things. The sick daughter having sex with her sick boyfriend could have been ommitted as anything having to do with teens having sex, makes me want to crawl in a hole somehwere and not admit that I have a teenager too.

But a very good not make you feel good movie.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Taking Chance

So this is an HBO movie starring Kevin Bacon as a Marine whos job is to make analysis of the casualties in Iraq and tell people how many soldiers they should send back into to Iraq to replace the ones who have died.

He feel guilty for taking a desk job to stay home with his family when soldiers are out there dying he feels like he should be there too, and watching the casualties list day in and day out gets to him. One day he sees a man from his hometown and decides to be the bodies escort.

I didn't even know the military did that but it was very interesting to see how respectfully they ship the bodies home, clean them along with all their personal effects, then this marine went with the body to be delivered to the family. It is something I have never heard about so I found this short movie only 1 hour and 10 minutes very nice. At the end you learn the body he is taking home was only 20 years old. I think that was the hardest part of the movie the realization that a young man not even old enough to drink a beer died serving his country.

So my take is see Taking Chance almost no bad language and no violence just a very sad story.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear John the book versus the Movie

Yep it is a sappy love story written by Nicholas Sparks. Not as good as The Notebook in my opinion, but worth seeing. I recommend you not read the book first and once you have seen the movie and read the book you think of them as 2 entirely different things, because they are not near the same.
I took oldest dd to see this she will be 16 next month and thinks Channing Tatum is to die for. Not sure if that is the current teenage phrase or not but I used it. The book doesn't end happy and once dd read it she asked me to read it and I had to agree not the happy ending like in The Notebook.
The movie however ends totally different the way I would have wanted the book to end. The scenery is beautiful it is filmed in Charleston, SC the actors and actresses are really good. So all in all it was worth paying the money to see.

What to Blog?

Well lets see I have been really putting some thought into this question lately. I sit and think what am I passionate about? Nothing I can think of, isn't that sad? Lets see I am a wife, a mother (not a very good one I fear) an Office Manager (not a very good one I fear), a part time student (I get by, LOL)

I read my friends blogs, she is passionate about Politics and the most organized person I think I know. she is passionate about food and blogs with the funniest stories along with recipes that are beyond my capability to cook. You see from her I learned I am the ultimate White Trash Cook, LOL

So I like to read and I love to watch movies, so maybe that is something I am passionate about so I think I may go that route with my blog, I may not make you cry or laugh but maybe I can give you some ideas for that next rainy Sunday and what to watch. We'll see.