Monday, March 15, 2010


Wow I can totally see why this young lady was nominated for an Oscar. I can not imagine being able to portray the pain she does so well.

This movie was a very hard one to watch. Sexual abuse is something I am all to familiar with and it strikes a cord in me. This girl you can't help but feel bad for, how could a mother allow such horrible things to be done to her child. She just stood there and let it happen? Then also how can a parent who is suppose to love their child beat them treat them like a slave. Blame them for taking their man, when the child had been raped by her own father.

I guess I feel Monique deserved and Oscar too because I tell you I hated the site of her in this movie she played the villain so well. It is sad to know that in this world there are children going through this same hell. Children overlooked by the school systems, overlooked by everyone, needing help. My heart went out to this child.

This film has a lot of physical violence, one rape scene, and a ton of bad language. I watched this alone no children dh didn't think he wanted to watch it either. It was a good movie one worth seeing, but it is a heart breaker.

The Lovely Bones

This is a good movie disturbing in many ways and as a parent something I would hope to never experience.
The film is set in the 70's and I am so not of fan of that time, I was only 7 when we got into the 80's and I prefer them over the 70's. Anyway the actors were really good in this really made you feel the emotions they were going through.

The story is about a 14 year old girl who gets murdered and instead of going straight to heaven she is caught in this in between world trying to help her father find her murderer. The part that got me the worst was the murderer is the neighbor and when she meets up with him you can really tell, she senses something isn't right. She has that little voice in the back of her head saying umm no, and yet she doesn't listen.

I think Peter Jackson did a great job making you feel the emotions of this poor family. I can not imagine the horror of loosing a child and then to also never know what happened to them because a body is never found. It must be the worst pain in the world.

No sex scenes, minimal cussing, no violence, but I didn't think it was appropriate for my 8 years old, 16 year old thought it was ok. I think it is worth seeing.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


First off Avatar was robbed, I have seen both this and Hurtlocker and sorry but I didn't think Hurtlocker was that good.

Avatar is amazing...beautifully filmed the way they created this other world was awesome. Although it doesn't seem weird like your normal Sci-fi Star Trek movies. The story line is good you really feel for the people and wonder how as Humans we could be so cruel just for a mineral, but look at what we did to the American Indians.

Some mild cussing Sigorney Weavers character uses GD a lot, no F bombs. No real sex scene, the violence is not your blood and gore type. All 4 of us love this movie it is for sure one you want to own. And James Cameron should sue the academy and get back his Oscar.

Upcoming reviews

So many movies to watch so little time.

Edge of Darkness
Crazy Heart
The Lovely Bones
Sherlock Holmes
The Tooth Fairy
Valentines Day

These should be coming soon!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Boys are Back

Boy is this ever a sad one, a very good movie though. Clive Owen is great eye candy and you can't help but feel so bad for him being thrown into single parenthood after the sudden death of his wife.

This film is set in Australia and is beautifully filmed. I loved seeing Artie all dressed up for school in his uniform, reminded me of my friend Leisa and the pictures she has shared of her boys first days at school in those same uniforms.

I didn't cry during this movie and I am a big cryer, but it is full of sadness but you have hope dad gets things together and they will do alright. It was for sure worth renting, not sure I would have cared to see it in the theater. But one you want to add to the queue.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Law Abding Citizen

Ok so this is a really good movie, but be warned can be hard to watch. There is some pretty gruesome violence in it, as well as a ton of bad language.
I think this movie could be a great debate movie because I can see people taking sides with the Father or with the judicial system.

So Gerard Butler is a man who's wife is raped and murdered in front of him as well as his little girl. The men are caught and the worst offender please down to 3rd degree murder to send the other guy to death row. Gerard's Lawyer Jamie Foxx thinks this is a good deal, Butler doesn't see it that way.

10 years later he starts his master plan to make all who were responsible for his wife and daughters death pay, including some people not directly involved but are involved in the corrupt judicial system.

The violence is pretty bad the rape scene is implied not shown, there isn't any sex. My oldest dd (16) watched it with dh and I and I didn't feel like it was too much for her.