Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Sisters Keeper

So of course anyone who sees the previews knows it is a sad film and it is, I didn't cry alot but some. I felt so bad for everyone in this film, the mom, the sick daughter, the donor daughter, the whole dang family.

I think it is films like this that makes me notice how lucky I am to have 2 beautiful healthy children. We take it for granted, I have never had to deal with any terrible sicknesses in my children and quite frankly I am not sure I could. They mean so much to me I just don't know that I could ever accept they were dying until it was over. I would want beyond everything to move heaven and earth to make them well.

But I also think maybe that is harder on the person dying to keep giving hope when there isn't any, maybe just helping them accept the end and make peace with it would be best. Not sure I could do it.

The actors all did great jobs in this and I really would love to read the book now because I am sure the movie was missing many things. The sick daughter having sex with her sick boyfriend could have been ommitted as anything having to do with teens having sex, makes me want to crawl in a hole somehwere and not admit that I have a teenager too.

But a very good not make you feel good movie.

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