Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Busy Weeks?

Wow it is so weird it seems like feast or famine at our house. We either go form being lazy bums doing absolutely nothing to going all the time. I just hate it.

We currently have me working full time, and going to school on Monday and Wednesday nights, along with an online class. Amanda has band practice Tuesdays till 6:30 and Thursday till 6PM and Fridays football games till 11PM. She also is going to church on Wednesday nights. Then add in Sunday AM Sunday school and church, Amanda taking an expressions class at 4:30PM and us all going again at 6PM. Thankfully the church feeds the kids Sunday night so I only have to worry about dinner for dh and I.

Now add to this Haley wants to do Girl Scouts and I just couldn't say no and I also agreed to be a troop helper not leader but a helper. So I think that will be Thursday evenings.

Of course Band is about to wind down. So then it wont seem so bad. Of course then I have to decide what classes to take for next semester. I am really liking my accounting class it has a ton of things I am learning about my current job.

It is funny though daily trying to stop take a breather and think I know I need to do that way more often.

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