Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weird, morbid ir just us?

So I know my family is different aren't they all? We have 4 people and 3 animals living inside a almost 1600 square foot home. We are nuts but sometimes it is so fun!

The animals are the best. Tilley and Mojo fight all the time play tug a war, and literally chase each other from room to room. The girls seem to always be nagging or fighting about something. Dh and I try to talk among the chaos and wonder why we get frustrated, LOL

So I guess we aren't weird we are just a very loud family.

Now to the morbid. Dh and Amanda think it is bad that everyday when I walk past the cat (Whiskers) I nudge her with my foot and say "Aren't you dead yet?" Now I don't want her to be, but lets face it she is somewhere between 18-20 years old and 25 pounds. She isn't healthy. Every morning when I nudge her she rubs her face on my foot and meows so I think she is ok with me. :)

Then Samson everyday he greets me at the car now, sniffs my tire and I ask him "Did you eat any kittens today?" He drops his head and heads to the backyard. In shame he knows killing that kitten last week was wrong, but it is just fun to see him walk away, you know if he could talk he would sound like a sulky teenager, "How long is she gonna keep this up?" :)

I don't know I guess I am weird but that's just me!